Calibration & Repair Services Request
We offer a full range of calibration services and repairs. Our Indianapolis and Cyrpus
calibration laboratories are accredited
in accordance with the recognized international standard
ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)
and meets the requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1994-1.
Alternatively, our network analyzers and calibration kits can be calibrated by
any ISO17025-accredited and Z540-1 compliant calibration lab
worldwide. The VNA Performance Test (VNAPT) software application is not required but is available for
third-party laboratories without restriction and can be downloaded
To help facilitate
diagnosis of a suspected instrument malfunction, please find and download
the Vector Network Analyzer Diagnostic Tool (VNADT) program. VNADT is a program designed to guide the user through basic diagnostic tests. This application generates a diagnostic report that allows CMT's
support team to quickly assess any analyzer malfunctions.
VNADT provides step by
step instructions for visual inspections, connection checks, USB checks, limit
tests, and ACM checks. It then generates a diagnostic PDF report which can be
submitted as an attachment in the form below.
Please indicate which services you require and fill out the necessary information below.
Please only fill out one form per device. If you would like to request calibration for multiple instruments, please complete a form for each one.

Please review the statements below. By submitting this form as is, you are accepting the below statements.
1. Shipping material you're using to send the device may be discarded and will not be returned to you.
2. By default, Copper Mountain Technologies will install anti-tamper stickers after service.
3. If the instrument is out of tolerance upon receipt, we will not open the instrument for diagnosis unless we are told otherwise.
4. We will leave the calibration due date blank unless you specify a desired due date for the device.
We request the calibration/verification service for the following equipment. Should there be any problem or need for changing, both parties shall inform and discuss with the other to solve the problem. We bear full responsibility for the equipment and the information supplied in this request and shall settle in full the calibration/verification fees to CMT as agreed or quoted by both parties, or according to pertinent regulations prior to receiving the certificate of calibration/verification.